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Old 2005-12-02, 08:14 PM
ffooky ffooky is offline
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Re: What is a SBE?

Originally Posted by Five
I think the problem might be in the typing of "shnfix" when it should be "shntool fix"
Nah, either form is kosher.
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Old 2005-12-02, 08:16 PM
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Re: What is a SBE?

Does any of this above discussion pertain to shows transferred to cd-r on a stand-alone burner?

I'm concerned, because a stand-alone is what I use to transfer shows from 30+ year old master cassettes, and some of those cassettes will be forever "retired" directly after the transfer.

I don't want to introduce any new noises to these shows, as I did that while recording.

Does any of the discussion pertain to shows initially recorded/captured on a stand-alone burner?
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Old 2005-12-02, 08:32 PM
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Re: What is a SBE?

good question!

anything originally recorded on a standalone will be guaranteed free from sector boundary errors (anybody please correct me if I'm wrong).
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Originally posted by oxymoron
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Old 2005-12-02, 11:15 PM
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Re: What is a SBE?

Originally Posted by ffooky
I think you may be right. I just tried the same process in my kid's account on the same machine and got the old "command not found" routine. My account is the Admin's account, is yours ?
I'm the only user on this computer, so of course I'm the Admin.

These permissions look correct, right? I don't see anything wrong with them.

-rwxrwxr-x   1 Lynne  admin  304032 Jun 27  2004 shnfix
-rwxrwxr-x   1 Lynne  admin  304032 Jun 27  2004 shninfo
-rwxrwxr-x   1 Lynne  admin  304032 Jun 27  2004 shnjoin
-rwxrwxr-x   1 Lynne  admin  304032 Jun 27  2004 shnlen
-rwxrwxr-x   1 Lynne  admin  304032 Jun 27  2004 shnmd5
-rwxrwxr-x   1 Lynne  admin  304032 Jun 27  2004 shnpad
-rwxrwxr-x   1 Lynne  admin  304032 Jun 27  2004 shnsplit
-rwxrwxr-x   1 Lynne  admin  304032 Jun 27  2004 shnstrip
-rwxr-xr-x   1 Lynne  admin  272820 May  7  2005 shntool
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Old 2005-12-03, 03:40 AM
ffooky ffooky is offline
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Re: What is a SBE?

I am such an idiot.

I've just realised that the reason it has worked for me is that I have the same (later versions in same cases) binaries in my $PATH.

I should have told you to prefix all the commands with "./", i.e:

./shnfix blah blah blah

Please hit me.

If it hadn't worked for me, I'd have remembered the ./ thing earlier...very sorry about that.

Anyway, you'll now be able to use shntool to its full capabilities, though for ease's sake you might want to duplicate all the binaries and put the dupes in a new folder (you must remove the " copy" from the names afterwards). For some reason Scott didn't include conv mode in xACT which is great for batch converting SHN/APE files. Remember to set any -d arguments to a suitable folder (which you can just drag into the command).

BTW, Open Terminal Here <> is a neat little helper for doing this kind of thing.

Sorry for misleading you, ff
Two tracks for a desert island:

Black Keys - I Got Mine
Tintern Abbey - Vacuum Cleaner
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Old 2005-12-03, 11:36 AM
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Re: What is a SBE?

Well, now I'm getting a different error for all the files. I'll have to tackle this later on, it's soccer tournement weekend.

shnfix: warning: could not read data from file '/Users/Lynne/Music/Torrenting Now/u22001-12-02/u22001-12-02d1t01.shn' using the 'shn' format module - possible causes:
shnfix:          + decoder program 'shorten' may not have been found - verify it is installed and in your PATH
shnfix:          + this file may be unsupported, truncated or otherwise corrupt
Five's Checksums Demystified - everything and anything you want to know about checksums
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Old 2005-12-03, 12:21 PM
ffooky ffooky is offline
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Re: What is a SBE?

Darn, the little bugger can't find the shorten binary. I'm not sure if shntool needs at least sox in order to use WAV files. If it doesn't then you could decode to wave first of all and then try ./shnfix etc. on them.

If you'd rather just set things up properly so you can run all manner of goodies from the command line I can give you the relevant commands. It's a lot easier than you might think
Two tracks for a desert island:

Black Keys - I Got Mine
Tintern Abbey - Vacuum Cleaner
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Old 2005-12-03, 02:27 PM
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Re: What is a SBE?

Lynne, when you get the chance it would be great if you could work out the kinks here. If you need to get this particular show fixed soon you can always send me


via in a pm and I can fix & return the tracks to you.

all this jazz with the path really gave me a headache at first but it has somehow been sorted out since I installed TLH on my pc.

thanks ffooky for all the great posts you've made (and will still make) here its good to have a commandline guru in the house!
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Originally posted by oxymoron
Here you are in a place of permanent madness, be careful!
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Old 2005-12-03, 02:41 PM
ffooky ffooky is offline
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Re: What is a SBE?

Steady on Five, I'm somewhere between an embryo and a foetus on the developmental path to command line guruhood but I know just enough to be dangerous.
Two tracks for a desert island:

Black Keys - I Got Mine
Tintern Abbey - Vacuum Cleaner
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Old 2005-12-03, 03:33 PM
bato bato is offline
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Re: What is a SBE?

Originally Posted by freezer
Does any of this above discussion pertain to shows transferred to cd-r on a stand-alone burner?

I'm concerned, because a stand-alone is what I use to transfer shows from 30+ year old master cassettes, and some of those cassettes will be forever "retired" directly after the transfer.

I don't want to introduce any new noises to these shows, as I did that while recording.

Does any of the discussion pertain to shows initially recorded/captured on a stand-alone burner?
That's an excellent question Freezer. I'm not an expert on SBEs and don't burn with a stand-alone but can report the following.

I checked for SBEs on the WWOZ October 2004 Pledge Drive set that you transfered and that JCrab66 converted and seeded. There are no SBEs in the log. Check with JCrab66 to see if he had to fix SBEs when he converted. If he didn't, transfering using a stand alone should be okay. (He didn't mention fixing SBEs in the release notes.) Can anyone with more experience/knowledge of stand-alones confirm that Freezer's transfers would be problem free using his stand-alone?
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Old 2005-12-03, 06:44 PM
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Re: What is a SBE?

Originally Posted by ffooky
Darn, the little bugger can't find the shorten binary. I'm not sure if shntool needs at least sox in order to use WAV files. If it doesn't then you could decode to wave first of all and then try ./shnfix etc. on them.

If you'd rather just set things up properly so you can run all manner of goodies from the command line I can give you the relevant commands. It's a lot easier than you might think
If you want to help me set it up, that would be fine with me. I don't mind doing things throught the terminal anymore. I think I started getting a bit more comfortable with the command line stuff once I had to start dealing with the servers using it.
Five's Checksums Demystified - everything and anything you want to know about checksums
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Old 2005-12-03, 07:29 PM
ffooky ffooky is offline
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Re: What is a SBE?

I can't remember if a default OS X installation comes with a /usr/local directory but if not you need to run:
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local
and then:

$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin
Now you need to add this directory to your $PATH:

% echo 'PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile 
% source .bash_profile
(Two separate commands)

You can check to see if you've successfully added /usr/local/bin by running:

% echo $PATH
You should see it somewhere in the string of directories, separated by colons.

Now you can just add all the duplicated binaries from the bin folder within, either by dragging them in via Finder or by running:
$ sudo cp <select and drag all of them here at once> /usr/local/bin
Everything *should* now be tickety-boo.

Two tracks for a desert island:

Black Keys - I Got Mine
Tintern Abbey - Vacuum Cleaner
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Old 2005-12-04, 12:29 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Re: What is a SBE?

OK, everything is now tickety-boo. Thanks ffooky! (fyi, user/local/bin did already exist and I love the expresion tickety-boo!).

Now, when I run the shnfix command, I get back a list of my files and then the following options:

swap a b (swaps positions a and b)
move a b (moves position a to position b, shifting everything in between)
begin a (moves position a to the beginning of the list)
end a (moves position a to the end of the list)
done (quits this editor, and continues with processing)
quit (quits shnfix [you can also use Ctrl-C])

and I am once again stumped about what I want to do here.
Five's Checksums Demystified - everything and anything you want to know about checksums
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Old 2005-12-04, 01:33 PM
ffooky ffooky is offline
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Re: What is a SBE?

Delighted to hear it went well. xACT is great but the command line is just faster for some things.

I just tried running the command with -order in's, er, a bit complicated isn't it ? :-)

Assuming your SHN files are named consecutively then you can just cd to their directory (or use Open Terminal Here) and run:

shntool fix -o wav -p *.shn
That should definitely do the trick...allegedly, heheh.

p.s. This tutorial is worth a gander when you have time.
Two tracks for a desert island:

Black Keys - I Got Mine
Tintern Abbey - Vacuum Cleaner
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Old 2005-12-04, 06:29 PM
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Re: What is a SBE?

the reason why I asked for the preview is that shntool will report how many samples are missing from t01

shntool will want to put them at the end but we must be crafty and put them at the beginning!
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Originally posted by oxymoron
Here you are in a place of permanent madness, be careful!
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