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Old 2007-04-07, 12:26 PM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
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speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

I have an upload limit of 100-110k but although my system seems to run effectively, and passes the speedtests on spedtest and toast and such, but azureus won't get me over 50-60k...I reinstalled the os to fix the problem and it still exists...but it seems the only problem I can see is with the upload for torrenting...any advice how to correct the problem, or a good place to search for the answer???

my pc-cillin says it detected a network virus "MS02-039_SQL_SERVER_RESOLUTION_EXPLOIT" but everything I dug up says it only affects win2k users and I use winxp media center...I also don't see any way to fix or prevent future instances either...although pc-cillin tells me about it, it detects nothing with it's scans...just listed in the event log...if you could help, or point me to help, I'd love it...I'm dyin to upload some killer shit, but it's such a strain to upload at such a weak speed...especially when I like to upload dvds...thanx in advance for any help you can provide
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Old 2007-04-07, 12:42 PM
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

That upload limit is what you can upload if you aren't downloading anything. If you are downloading *and* uploading, then your download and upload speeds are going to be less than what your max is. However, you may want to look under Options > Transfer and make sure you don't have any limits set there.
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Old 2007-04-07, 01:19 PM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

dammit Lynne, you know I know better than THAT!!!!

I've used the same client since I started and never had any trouble...of course dl will affect ul, but I shut everything down when I ul something new...and I can't get over the 50-60 I said...everything looks fine everywhere else and all my settings look fine (same as it ever was) so I'm stumped...same problem from any site, so it has to be related to Azureus or my system or my connection...but all the speeds seem fine outside of Azureus...any more advice
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Old 2007-04-07, 01:51 PM
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

I spend so much time in here that I get everyone mixed up and can't remember who knows what or when or why or....

Anyway, maybe your ISP does traffic shaping. Have you tried turning encryption on to see if that helps? Options > Connection > Transport Encryption
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Old 2007-04-07, 02:46 PM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

great quote Lynne...LOVE IT!!!!!!

don't know nothin bout encryption.........I'll check it out and get back to know, now that I'm thinkin about it, Adelphia DID just switch over to Time Warner, so maybe they changed things round a bit...hope that helps, but I appreciate the advice either way...I'll report back soon

EDIT: not immediately helpful.....if it was supposed to take effect as soon as I save the settings, then that's a negative...if it takes awhile, I left it alone cause it didn't hurt I'll report back with any improvements...but if you have any other alternatives, I'm all ears
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Old 2007-04-07, 03:05 PM
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

sounds like your neighbors are using your cable

if you are seeding out 50kbps - goto speedtest and see if the remaining 50kbps is available...

just a thought. and get that virus off your system
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Old 2007-04-07, 03:22 PM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

Originally Posted by direwolf-pgh
sounds like your neighbors are using your cable

if you are seeding out 50kbps - goto speedtest and see if the remaining 50kbps is available...

just a thought. and get that virus off your system
there's some real dumb folks round here, I doubt the speed is being robbed locally, however, I believe the virus has a lot to do with whoever is responsible...can't seem to figure how to remove the virus...again it's listed in the event logs, but a virus scan says it's all good...all the scans say I'm fine, but the event log is showing the message I posted...WTF
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Old 2007-04-07, 04:52 PM
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

One potentially fatal trick that I use to get some extra bandwidth is to set the priority of my bit torrent program process to its maximum. Currently I use µtorrent and run Windows, so I go to the Windows Task Manager, right-click on the µtorrent process, go down to "set priority" and choose "Realtime". This gives me a noticeable jump in my speeds, at the potential expense of locking up the system and having to reboot (lock-up has only happened on my computer when certain "other users" insist on playing Warcraft ).

Last edited by guygee; 2007-04-07 at 05:00 PM.
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Old 2007-04-07, 06:26 PM
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

(This page was automatically translated from Italian..)
From Shinji Ikari, Pillar of the Forum:
King: Virus of net!
on the situated one of trend micro it is written:
This detection is not to detection for the vulnerability of your machine. If you got this warning, it is an indication that to malicious piece of tails passed through your network or your machine, but was detected by Trend Micro as MS02-039_SQL_SERVER_RESOLUTION_EXPLOIT.

therefore probably it is your firewall to signal the intrusione attempt…

practically not draft of a virus that it is within your computer, but could be an attempt of entrance from part of a horse of Troy or a worm… (probably it is a worm)…
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Old 2007-04-07, 07:43 PM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

I will try the first thing you said guygee...but I am having a hard time understanding the second post...or what it means to me...what do I do with that information (once I decode it)

I sincerely appreciate your efforts though, and like I said I'll try the first thing with task manager..hopefully I get some relief...thank you all

BTW...the SQL crap may have nothing to do with anything...who knows
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Old 2007-04-07, 07:53 PM
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

Phishblowz - I thought it was funny, but what it seems to be saying is that the error message in your logs is the result of someone trying to attack you from the outside. The fact that you are getting the message "MS02-039_SQL_SERVER_RESOLUTION_EXPLOIT" is actually "kinda" good, because it indicates that you have been patched for this exploit, it is recognized, and you are not infected with any malicious code. But you are being probed.

That is my best understanding from reading about the problem on various forums. I seriously doubt that this warning message has anything to do with your anomalously low upload rates.

Hope this helps!
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Old 2007-04-07, 08:54 PM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

that's what I thought I was reading, but wanted reassurance...the real question is where to go from here
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Old 2007-04-07, 09:57 PM
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

Phishblowz - I guess since you get good results on speedtest that rules out a whole slew of problems, like bad cable or wireless interference, modem problems, router problems, etc. I used to run Azureus and I recall it can be resource-hungry, does Azureus max out your cpu or memory resources?

Are you running XP SP 2? Have you heard about the 10 half-open tcp connection limit "feature" that MS downgraded us to? This might be old news, but if not check your system log for event 4226. Go to Start => Control Panel => Administrative Tools => Event Viewer => System. Sort by Event and scroll down to 4226. If you have a lot of these events then this could be slowing you down significantly. This is a problem that would not be detected by speedtest because it involves multiple connections, so it is mainly relevant for p2p. If your system is having this problem you could try the famous LvlLord patch to reset your TCP_CONNECT_LIMIT from 10 to something like 50 and see if that helps. The patch is available here:

Sorry if this is stuff you already thought of, I am just thrashing around trying to think of a way to help.
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Old 2007-04-07, 10:20 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

Other stuff to think off (after all guygee's advice)..... stop your torrents, set encryption to yes, and then start them. I don't think anything will change if you change the settings while the torrents are running. Also, there are several options once you turn encryption on, play with them and see if they make a difference.

Wolf mentioned someone on your wireless.... are you wireless? If not.... new router? Have you tried to reset the router lately?

Also, have you had this problem forever or for how long? Did you do any upgrade to Azureus or anything else right before this problem occured?

(Sorry if you've answered these questions elsewhere, it just helps to have all the info in one thread.)
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Old 2007-04-07, 11:02 PM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
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Re: speed limit (not imposed by cable provider)

no upgrades (I don't think) to router, and not wireless...I will try these suggestions soon and get back to you...God Bless you all this Easter Sunday...your help is greatly appreciated
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